Most mineral tailings in China are mainly piled up in certain areas, which causes great damage to the environment because the ore pulp of the tailings flows everywhere from the stockpiling place. These tailings occupy a large piece of area and the piles are not in stable condition. When it rains, it’s easy for the piling tailings to form landslide which may result in the serious death incidents. As a quality mining machinery company model, our company keeps paying attention to the tailings handling problem and is trying to take the responsibility to be a role model for other mining machinery enterprises.
Let’s take a careful look at the current tailings handling condition in the domestic mining industry. It’s said that every 50 thousand ton of tailings piling up will take up a piece of field about 1.5 mu and every year there are about 1.5 billion ton of tailings produced and piled up. This means that four mu or more fields will be occupied each year in China. In addition, it’s very dangerous for us to pile up these tailings and it’s the same situation all over the world. There have occurred countless accidents caused by the dam break of tailings pond.
The other serious problem is the environment pollution. The tailings consist of heavy metal ion which will result in great damage to the surroundings and the pollution is hard to be cleaned and removed. Moreover, there are a lot of heavy metal and non-metal minerals in the tailings that can’t be used effectively, which will lead to the waste of resources and extra pollution to the fertile farmland.